Hello lovely humans

It has been 8 months 28 days since I was last here.

Too long lakini si we do long distance shit here donge!

Any who

How are you beautiful humans?

How’s life?



Your mental health and all?

Answer those questions honestly and intentionally?

How are you really?

Boys & girls

Ladies & gentlemen

Happy new year

By the way my 2024 begun on 1st February, so whatever January was….maybe pre new year to practice and all.

I have honestly missed being here & hanging out with you kids.

Mama had missed y’all.

Sasa niko na udaku mingi gaiiiii

I have a lot to tell you waaaah

We will unpack pole pole tu don’t worry, I will fill you in.

I have two nail techs who work on my nails, one is within my location, the other is in the court’s location.

So yes I cheat on my nail techs and am not apologetic.

Depending on where am at and the time on my hands, I could get my nails done by either tech.

Let’s call the one in my location brownie and the other prof or depth….. purely because he has so much depth on a pool of things, and during my nail appointments he engages my mind on various topics from the Bible, life, relationships, the next life, comedy, work, animals…..just everything

So yeah brownie & depth take good care of my nails and for the most part am happy with the results.

I recently went to depth to get my nails re-done. Yes re-done- long story that am not too keen to talk about.

During my appointment we conversed on various topics as usual and it was a good time.

Then he ( depth) asked me, ‘ how is your personal life? how is your love life?

If you know me…you know I hate personal talk…….I dislike it.

And I would gladly run around everything than answer that question.

But for some reason overtime nail appointments have become a really dope space to share and learn with depth.

Then he randomly said, ‘regardless of your love life, Ensure you live with your partner before you decide to official your union.

Now! now! Mimi eeh mimi! I am strong believer of doing something be it legal, traditional or whatever before living with your manz or mumamaz. That’s just me , am not a huge fun of all this cohabiting biz.

Depth then started telling me why I should NEVER EVER in this life wed/officiate anything before I have lived with the manz.

Now here,

I have to write it as depth put it, for effect and finyo mostly.

Mko ready twende kazi?

Depth: Don’t marry a man you have not lived with, otherwise you will be marrying a stranger.

Cess: Eeeh how? 

Depth: Without living with somebody, ideally you do not know them enough, you know their polished, prepared and well pretended weekend self. 

Cess: Eeh makes sense. ( FYI when am fascinated by a topic, I barely speak)

Depth: Live with a man before you settle to marry then; are they clean?Are they petty? Do they overreact over everything? Are they kind? Do they play fair? Do they know how to maintain their house, life and thoughts? Are they a human you can live with?

Cess: By the way….

Depth: Live with a man before you commit to  ‘ until death do you part’. Ensure he ticks your fancy in every aspect. Ensure he makes you happy, orgasm and content.

Cess: Sheepishly laughs

Depth: Ensure you sieve your partners and who falls short!! goes, ensure you are left with humans who are woth you. Don’t settle for beautiful men. Ensure  you are with a beautiful human in and out, a freak in the sheets, a friend, a human you respect and can learn from.

Cess: Eeeh so no wedding before cohabitaton.

Depth: Yes

Depth went ahead to give me examples of failed marriages because the parties did not live/study each other.

Now dear child ( yes you child I love making adults feel young & shit ) you decide how you want to do life.

Ata mimi after that session who knows what am inclined to.

Lakini si we learn everyday

See you soon

I send lots of love & hugs and eeeh what depth said about people who speaks to your body.

Am excited to be back here, I pray I stick by Abit longer this time!


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    This is juicy 😜😜😜😜


  2. pendoerick says:

    8 months 28 days ago, karibu tukusahau😂


  3. Anonymous says:

    Umesema orgasms ni must, interesting piece


  4. Anonymous says:

    So glad you are back, I had truly missed Tembeaworld.
    Great work as usual and we hope you stay here longer.


  5. I will be happy to hear Brownie’s take on this story….lakini si umetuita kids hadi ika sink.. hehehe


  6. Anonymous says:

    Eeeeeei🥹🥹i had missed this space
    Please stay longer mom😅


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